
A safe and welcoming school environment is essential for students to grow and develop in keeping with PVNCCDSB's 3 Strategic Pillars:  Being Creative, Being Well, Being Community. Establishing and maintaining this positive and safe atmosphere is achieved by staff, students, parents/guardians and the community working together.

As you read through these procedures and subsequently follow them, we thank you in advance for helping us to keep our children safe.

Security and Signing In

All Visitors (parents, relatives, resource personnel, etc.) must report to the office immediately upon entering the school. To facilitate this, all exterior school doors will remain locked during the day. A camera has been installed and our wonderful office staff will respond when you ring the buzzer.  


If a person is visiting the school for any other reason than a pre-arranged appointment with a teacher (e.g early pick-up, dropping off lunch/homework, etc.) the secretary needs to be informed prior to their arrival.  She will contact the student’s class and have the child report to the office.

Parents/guardians must notify the school in writing if someone other than the usual person is picking up their child or if the end of day routine is different, (example, walking instead of taking the bus).  We will NOT release a student to anyone who is not the usual caregiver unless we have been informed ahead of time.


Parking spots are available on the northside of our parking lot for visitors to the school.  These spots are not intended for the drop off and pick up of students during arrival and dismissal time periods.  If you are dropping off your child at morning arrival, you can take advantage of our Kiss 'N Ride program or you can park on an adjacent street and walk your child to our gated playground area.  At dismissal time, our driveway must stay open for the staggered arrival of buses so you are asked to park on an adjacent street and walk to meet your child.  There are crossing guards and staff on duty to assist with the safe crossing of the street and parking lot.  

Leaving School Property

All students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 are to remain on school property until dismissed at the end of the day.  If it is necessary for a student to leave school at times other than regular dismissal time, parents or guardians must inform the teacher in advance with a note.  Understandably, there may be times of emergency when it is not possible to plan on leaving early; at such times parents or guardians should inform the school by telephone.  When picking up early, parents or guardians will come to the front door and ring the buzzer to indicate their arrival.  

Please do not text your child’s phone to give permission to leave school for any reason.  Students will not be released via text message - direct contact to the teacher or office is required.


Please do not bring valuable personal items to school.  Valuables such as jewelry, cherished toys, collections, etc., should be left at home.  The school cannot accept responsibility for the storage, replacement, or recovery of any of these personal items. 

To help avoid loss and confusion, clothing and personal items should be clearly labeled.  Articles found are stored in the “lost and found” box.  At the end of each month, unclaimed items are forwarded to a local charitable group.


Valuable items such as cell phones or other electronic devices are the responsibility of the student.  This responsibility includes the appropriate use of such items.  These items are permitted for educational use and are to be used only with the permission of school staff.   

Using electronic devices to take photographs/videos or use social media is not permitted at any time.  Staff must be consulted in the use of cell phones to contact parents via text or telephone.

Internet Access

The PVNCCDSB School Board is committed to ensuring that the Internet is used to support learning in a manner that is consistent with the Board Mission statement and guiding principles. Our school computers are connected to the Internet by means of the School Board's Wide Area Network. The School Board recognizes that there may be concerns related to Internet usage and has developed an Internet Acceptable Use Agreement.

Once a student has signed the document, he/she will be granted access to the Internet within the scope of the Internet Acceptable Use Agreement. Students must sign a separate Internet Acceptable Use Agreement form for each division of their education at PVNCCDSB: Primary (J.K.-3), Junior-Intermediate (Grades 4-8), Intermediate-Senior (Grades 9-12).For further information, please visit the Board Website for the Safe Surfing Document or contact your local school.

Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards, on School Property

The safety of pedestrians, students, and staff, and those on bicycles, scooters, skateboards, is of the utmost priority for staff, parents, and bus operators. Skateboards, scooters, and bicycles must be walked on and off of school property.  Bikes and scooters must be stored in the Bike Racks at the side of the school and locked by the student.