Fast Facts and Bell Times

Bell Times

Our school day is structured as follows:

8:05 am Yard Supervision begins 

8:20 am Bell rings and classes begin

9:55-10:10 am Morning Recess

11:30 am-12:15 pm Lunch Recess

12:15-12:30 pm Lunch

1:50-2:05 pm Afternoon Recess

2:50 pm Bell rings for dismissal



The Gospels of Matthew and Luke present Joseph as the gentle but strong protector of Mary, the Mother of God. 

Despite Joseph’s humble work and means as a skilled craftsman and carpenter, Joseph came from a royal lineage.  Luke and Matthew both mark his descent from David, the greatest king of Israel (Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38).

Joseph was a compassionate, caring man, probably between the age of 13 and 19, (younger than what artists portray him).  Joseph was faced with a terrible dilemma when he realized that the woman he loved and the woman to whom he was betrothed was to bear a child.  He planned to divorce Mary according to the law but he was concerned for her suffering and safety.  He knew that women accused of adultery could be stoned to death, so he decided to divorce her quietly and not expose her to shame or cruelty (Matthew 1:19-25)

However, after the angel came to Joseph in a dream greeting him as the “Son of David”, telling him the truth about the child Mary was carrying, Joseph immediately and without concern for gossip, took Mary as his wife and his loving protection of Mary increased. 

As the time for Jesus to be born draws near, Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem, not only to be enrolled in the census among the members of the house and family of David, but also to have the Messiah born in the city of the great King. 

Joseph was man of faith, obedient to whatever God asked of him without knowing the outcome.  Joseph respected God.  He followed God’s commands in handling the situation with Mary and going to Jerusalem to have Jesus circumcised and Mary Purified after Jesus’ birth.  He took his family to Jerusalem every year for Passover, something that would have been very difficult for a working man.

Joseph loved Jesus and treated him as his own son.  His one concern was for the safety of this child entrusted to him.  With Mary, Joseph hears the prophetic words of Simeon regarding the sufferings to be endured by Mary and her Son.  Through the years when the child is in danger because of King Herod, Joseph guards and provides for his family in Egypt until it is safe toreturn to Nazareth. 

Joseph is the patron of the dying because, assuming he died before Jesus’ public life, he died with Jesus and Mary close to him, the way we all would like to leave this earth.

Joseph is also patron of the universal Church, fathers, carpenters, and social justice. 

We celebrate two feast days for Joseph: March 19 for Joseph the Husband of Mary and May 1st for Joseph the Worker. 


St. Joseph School opened in a house in 1961.  After Thanksgiving it moved into a four room school.  It was built because the army had built living quarters nearby.

The army moved out in the early 70's and the building was rented to the public school board.  In 1987 the Catholic School Board returned students with up to ten portables.  A new addition was built in 1991.

The first principal was Sister Flora.  Marg Boyle and Cathy Hart were teachers during the first year.

Did you know that...

St. Joseph Catholic Elementary is a welcoming and giving school community.   The use of a common language at St. Joseph is to highlight the importance of respect for God, self, each other and the community, which creates a warm and inviting atmosphere each and every day.


We celebrate Mass for all students in Kindergarten to grade 8 regularly.  Mass is held either at the school in the gym or at St. Michael’s Church in Cobourg.  Please check the monthly school calendar for dates, times and locations.  Parents and guests are encouraged to join us.  Smaller paraliturgies and celebrations are held at the school and in classrooms throughout the year.

Sacraments of First Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmations are organized and celebrated in conjunction with St. Michael’s Church.   Parents work in collaboration with the parish priest to prepare students in Grade 2 for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, and to prepare students in grade 7 for Confirmation. The celebrations of the Sacraments are all performed at the church. 

Parish Information

St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School School is a welcoming community with a mission to assist all students to achieve their spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional potential in a caring environment.

Academic programs at St. Joseph School exist within a spiritual orientation based on the Catholic faith. The tone of the school reflects a theme of respect and responsibility, a collaborative approach to problem solving, and a community focus made up of students, staff, parents, parish, and the wider community. You can read our Catholic Graduate Expectations (CGE) for additional information:  CGE 

Our school's affiliated parish is St. Michael Catholic Church.

St. Michael Catholic Church 

379 Division St. 

Cobourg, ON

K9A 3R7